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 Sujet du message: Patch 2.4.2 (en anglais)
MessagePublié: 29 Avr 2008 18:48 
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Inscrit le: 08 Nov 2004 18:25
Messages: 2947
Localisation: Paris
Patch 2.4.2 on the PTR now!

* Aspect of the Viper Buffed - Aspect of the Viper will now also grant mana per 5 equal to 35% of a players level. This is in addition to its current game state.

* Seal of the Crusader Buffed - Seal of the Crusader will now increase the damage of Crusader Strike by 40%. This should be a nice damage increase for Paladins that are already high on the DPS charts for many fights!

* Mage's Blink Changed Again - Improved blink will now decrease the chance to be hit by all attacks by 13 / 25% but have a duration of 4 seconds.

* Hunter Pet Growl Improper Scaling - It seems that Hunter's pets growl ability was scaling with attack power right from 1, this was not intended and the growl will be based off the Hunter's attack power and will begin at 1200 and gain effects above that level.

* Scare Beast Majorly Buffed - The range on scare beast for Hunters was increased to 30 yards, and it is also an instant cast spell now. This is another huge buff for hunters in arenas, and is specifically designed to hurt druids. It will be interesting to see how this shakes out, as the resurgence of the Hunter in arenas is already coming on.

* No cooldown for Void Shatter - Well those hundreds of Void Crystals guild banks have collected from running Karazhan for badges will finally be of use! There will no longer be a cooldown on the Void Shatter ability that enchanters can learn. Expect a dramatic drop in the price of Large prismatics, and a sharp increase in the value of Void Crystals. This will finally put these items in their proper ranges, disenchanted materials from blues should never be selling for more than ones from epics anyways!

* Glove Reinforcements Materials Greatly Reduced - The glove reinforcements will no longer require way too many materials, instead you will need only 4 Heavy Knothide and 3 Primal Earths. This will make these an enchant players will actually look at now. Especially druids who are looking to reach the armor cap in the earlier stages of the game, this should be a great enchant for them!

* Headless Horseman Mount?!? - There is a new game file indicating there may be a couple new mounts available soon. The most intriguing one is the Headless Horseman mount, we would expect it to drop from the Headless Horseman event during the Halloween festivities. There is a very nice picture of it here.

* Mount Enchants - No longer will you have to switch trinkets all the time to increase your mount speed. you can now use the Carrot on a Stick and Riding Crop to enchant a single mount. Increasing its speed by 3 / 10% respectively. This is great, no longer will I be in raids with my riding crop equipped, and then realize it right after a big boss fight!

* Main-Hand Weapons Changed to One-Hand - This is a great change for a lot of players. Many weapons would be great for warrior or enhancement shaman offhand but they cannot equip them there. This is also a great change for blacksmiths, as the one-handed axe and mace will now be able to be Dual-wielded as they have removed the unique tag from them too!

* Season 4 Honor Gear with Personal Rating Requirements - Boots will require 1700, Rings will require 1650, and Bracers will require 1575. Blizzard claims that these items will be of sunwell quality, and they wish for them to be difficult to maintain and they do not intend to change this anytime soon.

* Arena Point / Team Selling Fixed - Now if a player's personal rating is more than 150 points below the team rating they will only receive points based on their personal rating. Also if the group that is joining the arena match is more than 150 below the team rating in personal rating they will join a match against opponents equal to their personal rating. Meaning they will get less points for wins, and not be able to powerlevel their personal rating anymore.

Crysta Prêtre / Mix Mage / Guldun Guerrière / Arny Druide

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MessagePublié: 29 Avr 2008 18:51 
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Inscrit le: 08 Nov 2004 18:25
Messages: 2947
Localisation: Paris
Si j'ai bien compris les armes "main droite" vont devenir des armes "à une main" ce qui permettra de les mettre en main gauche également ?

Ca me parait assez énorme ça non ?

(Ca veut dire que les voleurs vont être encore plus cheatés qu'avant ?! :mrgreen: )

Crysta Prêtre / Mix Mage / Guldun Guerrière / Arny Druide

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MessagePublié: 29 Avr 2008 19:09 
Lieutenant Général
Lieutenant Général
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Inscrit le: 27 Jan 2005 00:30
Messages: 796
yep j'ai compris la meme chose ben comme d'hab un peu de plus de worldofcac.....

Barkeen orc demoniste niveau 80, hyjal spe pve
illyanor Elfete de sang paladin niveau 80, hyjal
spe pvp

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MessagePublié: 30 Avr 2008 08:12 
Grand seigneur de guerre
Grand seigneur de guerre
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Inscrit le: 09 Nov 2004 09:01
Messages: 3484
Stomp a écrit:
Si j'ai bien compris les armes "main droite" vont devenir des armes "à une main" ce qui permettra de les mettre en main gauche également ?

Ca me parait assez énorme ça non ?

(Ca veut dire que les voleurs vont être encore plus cheatés qu'avant ?! :mrgreen: )

Ca profite pas qu'aux voleurs mais à tous les CAC ambi. Ca va surtout profiter au chamy amélio qui ont du mal à trouver une OFf hand lente pour profiter au maximum de Windfury.

Ac1 : Petit Jean - Irhiel
Wow : PetitJean - Irhiel

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MessagePublié: 15 Mai 2008 15:42 
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Inscrit le: 24 Août 2006 10:18
Messages: 1753

Les développeurs ont estimé que l'incantation immédiate de cette capacité était vraiment trop puissante, et n'ont donc conservé que l'augmentation de la distance, qui est désormais de 30 mètres

Sfim - Raid WWF - Membre de S&S - Chaman - Armurerie
"It's nice to be important but it's more important to be nice" - Scooter
Vilain petit canard - Sfim Hurlorage <le Traître>

 Sujet du message:
MessagePublié: 15 Mai 2008 19:50 
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Inscrit le: 08 Nov 2004 18:25
Messages: 2947
Localisation: Paris
Tu parles de quoi Sfim ?

Crysta Prêtre / Mix Mage / Guldun Guerrière / Arny Druide

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MessagePublié: 15 Mai 2008 20:36 

Inscrit le: 06 Fév 2006 17:54
Messages: 370
Localisation: Suisse
Stomp a écrit:
Tu parles de quoi Sfim ?

Je crois qu'il parle du sort effrayer une bête du chasseur qui était initialement prévu (dans la 2.4.2) en instant cast , snif même pas sorti et déjà nerfer :cry:


 Sujet du message:
MessagePublié: 15 Mai 2008 20:37 
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Inscrit le: 08 Mars 2006 21:03
Messages: 416
Localisation: Toblerone Land
Simak a écrit:
Stomp a écrit:
Tu parles de quoi Sfim ?

Je crois qu'il parle du sort effrayer une bête du chasseur qui était initialement prévu (dans la 2.4.2) en instant cast , snif même pas sorti et déjà nerfer :cry:

C'est pour eviter que le chasseur effraye SON PET !!! mouhaaamouhaaa comme ça il a 1,5 sec pour se rendre compte de son erreur :lol:

Zodd - Hitokiri - Hellaine
[War] - [Rogue] - [Mage]

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