durant la Blizzcon (assez soporifique au passage)
bli² a annoncer le retour d'un ranking Battleground avec des objectifs 'guilde'. Avec ça annonce, je pense que si c viable le Week end PVP Guilde et autre event seraient envisageable.
A part ça :
- XP en BG (super les noobs unstuff en altérac qui xp)
- de nouvelles QRJs PVP (GOOODDD)
- possibilité de rejoindre la file pvp de n'importe où (Mouais)
- le nouveau bg passe de 10vs10 à 15vs15 (GGOOOODDD)
* They also want players to be able to level up in battlegrounds through XP rewards in addition of honor. Daily quests will also be added.
* They want to bring back competition into Battlegrounds, they're working on a new rating system to help with that and are also working on a way to let guilds compete in battlegrounds.
* In the future, players will be able to queue in Arenas and Battlegrounds from anywhere in the world.
* Strand of the Ancients is getting changed from 10vs10 to 15vs15. The amount of Vehicles is also being doubled.
Sfim - Raid WWF - Membre de S&S - Chaman -
"It's nice to be important but it's more important to be nice" - Scooter
Vilain petit canard - Sfim Hurlorage <le Traître>