Hyjal Explorers

Une grosse betise :p
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Auteur:  Petit Jean [ 25 Oct 2006 12:36 ]
Sujet du message:  Une grosse betise :p

Tout est la : http://beta.worldofwarcraft.com/thread. ... 0394&sid=3

Oh purée, j'ai pas les yeux en face des trous.


Auteur:  sedrik [ 25 Oct 2006 15:49 ]
Sujet du message: 

c'etait le patch de la semaine derniere ça hein ^^

Auteur:  Anwylyd [ 26 Oct 2006 12:32 ]
Sujet du message: 

sedrik a écrit:
c'etait le patch de la semaine derniere ça hein ^^

Oui d'ailleurs y'a pas eu de patch hier, j'ai été surpris! Je m'attendais à envoir un! Le truc le plus falgrant à corriger pour ce que j'ai vu de la beta, çà reste quand même les ravageurs... le cercle lunineux de selection apparait à côté du mob, d'ailleurs il faut taper le cercle et pas le mob et en plus les animations de déplacement de ces charmantes bestiolles sont... ... innexistantes! Sinon, j'ai pas trop vu de bug pour l'instant à part le truc rigolo du message looté sur un mob qui donne une quête dont le texte est complètement vide. Ceci dit, c'est un constat, pas une critique, je sais bien qu'on est encore à un stade de la beta où il y a énormément de choses à corriger et que les équipes de Blizzard ne peuvent pas tout corriger d'un coup ;)

Auteur:  sedrik [ 26 Oct 2006 12:33 ]
Sujet du message: 

Anwylyd a écrit:
sedrik a écrit:
c'etait le patch de la semaine derniere ça hein ^^

Oui d'ailleurs y'a pas eu de patch hier, j'ai été surpris! Je m'attendais à envoir un!

ya eu un patch de 22 mo cette nuit :)

Auteur:  stealth [ 26 Oct 2006 14:28 ]
Sujet du message: 

y'a aussi le bug chiant des marecages, ou tu selectionnes une naga (repérable car elle a les bras en l'air) et tu crashes lamentablement avec une erreur 132 (il existe un mod pour pas crasher, cf fofo off français, forum général, post sur ce bug)
Et enfin un bug d'affichage similaire aux ravageurs à Nagrand sur des mobs volant dont une partie du corps est en l'air et l'autre à terre.

Auteur:  klunder [ 26 Oct 2006 14:55 ]
Sujet du message: 

le bug sur les zozieau de nagrand a été corrigé par contre pour quelques quetes la bas c'pas le cas :?

Auteur:  sedrik [ 26 Oct 2006 19:25 ]
Sujet du message: 

World of Warcraft Client Beta Patch


* Many creatures have had their textures and portraits added.

* Many items have had their textures added.

* Players will now receive an error message when trying to summon a non-party member with a meeting stone.

* Added more Draenei and Blood Elf emote sounds.

* Doom Lord Kazzak has been itemized.


* Battlegrounds

o The maximum level cap on most Alterac Valley, Scourge Invasion, and other miscellaneous quests will now be accessible for level 61+ players.

o The amount of honor points gained are now consistent between the combat log and scoreboard when completing objectives in battlegrounds.

* The floating combat text should no longer overlap during heavy combat.

* Guards will now properly respawn when a faction has taken over Halaa base.


* The "Frostbrand Weapon" (rank 6) is now available from trainers.


* Auras from pets will now be removed when a new pet is summoned.

* The spell "Soul Fire"(rank 4) is now available from trainers.

* The spell "Curse of Weakness" (rank 8) is now available from trainers.

* Pets will now despawn properly when an Infernal is summoned.

* The spell "Drain Soul" will no longer continue to channel after a target is dead.

* Casting the spell "Dark Pact" immediately after combat will no longer put you back into combat mode.

* Casting "Health Funnel" on a target while already channeling "Health Funnel" will no longer cancel future castings of the spell on that target.

* The talent "Shadow Embrace" will now be removed properly when the debuff has finished its duration.

User Interface

* The checking of options in the rarity dropdown menu in the Auction House UI is now working properly.

* The Shift option has been removed as an option for the Self-Cast Key due to a conflict with mouse clicks.

* The Shift+B shortcut is now working properly with the bank’s new bag slot.

* Players will now be able to disable abilities from showing in the combat text.

* The Looking For Group channel has been removed with the implementation of the LFG system.


* Female Naga will no longer crash the client when clicked on.

* Corrected some graphical errors with the LFG system menus.

* Hunter pets should now properly receive the benefit of "Nature’s Ally" after a hunter dies and resurrects.

* The Paladin spell "Flash of Light" is now working properly.

* Fixed several quest reputation rewards to reflect the proper faction.

* Fixed an error with the lower Falcon Watch Orb of Translocation that was causing it not to teleport player correctly.

* Fixed several quest item errors causing players to be unable to loot.

* Fixed an error where players were losing rested experience upon logging out.

* Fixed several holes that were causing players to fall through the world.

* Fixed an issue where the entrance door to the cage event in Hellfire Blood Furnace would not stay closed after the cage event had ended.

* The Deeprun Tram should no longer disappear part way along its route.

* Fixed some graphical errors with the Draenei female.

* Fixed an error where players were receiving double the resilience rating from armor.

* Fixed an issue where performing guild actions would cause a player to crash.

* Players will no longer get stuck in the jump animation when casting an instant spell at the same time.

* Players will no longer remain slowed when riding a Gryphon after having a slow spell cast or ability applied to them.

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