World of Warcraft Client Beta Patch
* Many creatures have had their textures and portraits added.
* Many items have had their textures added.
* Players will now receive an error message when trying to summon a non-party member with a meeting stone.
* Added more Draenei and Blood Elf emote sounds.
* Doom Lord Kazzak has been itemized.
* Battlegrounds
o The maximum level cap on most Alterac Valley, Scourge Invasion, and other miscellaneous quests will now be accessible for level 61+ players.
o The amount of honor points gained are now consistent between the combat log and scoreboard when completing objectives in battlegrounds.
* The floating combat text should no longer overlap during heavy combat.
* Guards will now properly respawn when a faction has taken over Halaa base.
* The "Frostbrand Weapon" (rank 6) is now available from trainers.
* Auras from pets will now be removed when a new pet is summoned.
* The spell "Soul Fire"(rank 4) is now available from trainers.
* The spell "Curse of Weakness" (rank
is now available from trainers.
* Pets will now despawn properly when an Infernal is summoned.
* The spell "Drain Soul" will no longer continue to channel after a target is dead.
* Casting the spell "Dark Pact" immediately after combat will no longer put you back into combat mode.
* Casting "Health Funnel" on a target while already channeling "Health Funnel" will no longer cancel future castings of the spell on that target.
* The talent "Shadow Embrace" will now be removed properly when the debuff has finished its duration.
User Interface
* The checking of options in the rarity dropdown menu in the Auction House UI is now working properly.
* The Shift option has been removed as an option for the Self-Cast Key due to a conflict with mouse clicks.
* The Shift+B shortcut is now working properly with the bank’s new bag slot.
* Players will now be able to disable abilities from showing in the combat text.
* The Looking For Group channel has been removed with the implementation of the LFG system.
* Female Naga will no longer crash the client when clicked on.
* Corrected some graphical errors with the LFG system menus.
* Hunter pets should now properly receive the benefit of "Nature’s Ally" after a hunter dies and resurrects.
* The Paladin spell "Flash of Light" is now working properly.
* Fixed several quest reputation rewards to reflect the proper faction.
* Fixed an error with the lower Falcon Watch Orb of Translocation that was causing it not to teleport player correctly.
* Fixed several quest item errors causing players to be unable to loot.
* Fixed an error where players were losing rested experience upon logging out.
* Fixed several holes that were causing players to fall through the world.
* Fixed an issue where the entrance door to the cage event in Hellfire Blood Furnace would not stay closed after the cage event had ended.
* The Deeprun Tram should no longer disappear part way along its route.
* Fixed some graphical errors with the Draenei female.
* Fixed an error where players were receiving double the resilience rating from armor.
* Fixed an issue where performing guild actions would cause a player to crash.
* Players will no longer get stuck in the jump animation when casting an instant spell at the same time.
* Players will no longer remain slowed when riding a Gryphon after having a slow spell cast or ability applied to them.