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 Sujet du message: Infos en anglais
MessagePublié: 04 Juil 2008 14:20 
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Inscrit le: 08 Nov 2004 18:25
Messages: 2947
Localisation: Paris
Herbalism Primary Gathering for Inscription

- Blizzard made sure everyone understands that both melee and caster classes will benefit from inscription, and also that the base gathering profession for inscription will be herbalism.
Party Buffs to Raid Buffs - Many buffs that only effect parties will not span the entire raid group. Examples of these changes are Shaman totems, Unleashed Rage, and Battle Shout just to name a few.

Dynamic Line of Sight??

- A unique idea has come out this week. Arenas will have items in them that will move around every once in a while. When these items shift location they will change the line of sight attributes of the entire arena play. This make teams be more reactive to their terrain, and not able to camp positions so easily.

Dire Cat Form

- This could be a very interesting twist to the feral druid tree. All we know as of right now is that Druid will be awarded some sort of Dire Cat Form. What exactly Dire Cat Form does remains a mystery. So let the speculation begin!

Retribution Paladins Share Gear

- Ret Pally's will share gear with DPS Warriors and Death Knights. This will make it far less frustrating when that "Ret Paladin" gear drops and you don't even have one in your party or raid. They also plan to make Ret Paladin DPS more effective, and slightly less gear dependant.

DPS and Protection Warrior Changes

-Blizzard wants to give DPS warriors the ability to tank when called upon without always changing talent specs, and they also would like to give Protection Warriors the ability to DPS a little better without changing specs. One of the moves towards this will be the Shockwave Talent for Protection Warriors.

Heroic Instances Will Be "Easier"

- This doesn't necessarily mean that you will breeze through instances with all green gear. First, they are removing attunement for the heroic instances. Second, they are trying to balance fights so that no encounters call for a specific type of tank. This will make it much easier to pull together a viable group for an instance.

Hunter Pets Have Exclusive Talent Trees

- All hunter pets will now have three separate talent trees just like a normal character. They will have a tanking talent tree, a DPS talent tree, and a utility talent tree. Each type of pet will also have a completely different talent tree compared to other pet types. This is a great addition to the game, and really has been long overdue. Bravo Blizzard for finally getting around to implementing this idea!

Crysta Prêtre / Mix Mage / Guldun Guerrière / Arny Druide

 Sujet du message:
MessagePublié: 04 Juil 2008 14:35 
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Inscrit le: 30 Déc 2005 13:51
Messages: 1873
Localisation: Toulouse
Ici, on est en France, on parle franssé !


Callahhan pretre discipline 90 ilvl 504
Callademo démoniste demonologie 85
Callaramix druide restauration 87
Callamago mage givre 87
Callawawa guerrier fury 85
Calladin paladin vindicte 85
Callafufu voleur combat 90
Calladk chevalier de la mort 85
Callahunt chasseur 43 - Callachami chaman 42
Et le petit dernier Callamonk 15 ;-)

 Sujet du message:
MessagePublié: 04 Juil 2008 14:56 
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Inscrit le: 08 Nov 2004 18:25
Messages: 2947
Localisation: Paris
En même temps j'ai vu l'autre jour une vidéo d'un français de par chez toi qui faisait un discours du haut d'un bus avec un grand freesbee derrière lui, ben on comprenait pas tout ce qu'il disait !


Crysta Prêtre / Mix Mage / Guldun Guerrière / Arny Druide

 Sujet du message:
MessagePublié: 04 Juil 2008 14:58 
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Inscrit le: 30 Déc 2005 13:51
Messages: 1873
Localisation: Toulouse
Stomp a écrit:
En même temps j'ai vu l'autre jour une vidéo d'un français de par chez toi qui faisait un discours du haut d'un bus avec un grand freesbee derrière lui, ben on comprenait pas tout ce qu'il disait !


Normal, c'etais du patoi et en plus il etait à 3 g, personne ne comprenais rien :lol:

Callahhan pretre discipline 90 ilvl 504
Callademo démoniste demonologie 85
Callaramix druide restauration 87
Callamago mage givre 87
Callawawa guerrier fury 85
Calladin paladin vindicte 85
Callafufu voleur combat 90
Calladk chevalier de la mort 85
Callahunt chasseur 43 - Callachami chaman 42
Et le petit dernier Callamonk 15 ;-)

 Sujet du message: Re: Infos en anglais
MessagePublié: 07 Juil 2008 12:05 
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Inscrit le: 10 Déc 2004 11:09
Messages: 355
Stomp a écrit:
Heroic Instances Will Be "Easier"

- This doesn't necessarily mean that you will breeze through instances with all green gear. First, they are removing attunement for the heroic instances. Second, they are trying to balance fights so that no encounters call for a specific type of tank. This will make it much easier to pull together a viable group for an instance.

Mouais... Monter une réput honoré était déjà pas très dur, maintenant ce sera automatique... Drole d'idée, d'autant que les héroiques sont quand même pas si difficiles dans l'ensemble, pas besoin d'être full épique non plus.
Cette histoire de tank par contre, je vois pas du tout à quoi ils pensent. J'ai fait toutes sortes d'héroiques avec toutes sortes de tanks sans jamais avoir l'impression qu'il fallait telle ou telle classe/spé :?:

Dalaranien qui squatte :P

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